Where do web standards come from?
I’ve spent the better part of the last six years thinking about where web standards come from. Before joining USV, I was at the (now retired) urban tech incubator OpenPlans, where, among other things, we worked to further “open” technology [...] Read more
Keeping the Internet Open
Today the FCC is expected to approve its latest open internet rules, concluding the latest (but certainly not last) round in this now decade-long fight. We believe -- along with many others -- that this set of rules will help [...] Read more
Hello 2015
Hi Everyone -- I hope you are enjoying the beginning of the new year. As corny as it sounds, I love new years and the opportunity to get a fresh start, clear the decks, and make plans for the coming [...] Read more
Support services for the Indie Economy
Over the course of the past year, I’ve been interviewed a bunch of times about the “peer economy” or the “sharing economy” (Fastco, Wired, NY Times, PBS Newshour), with most of the focus on the public policy considerations of all [...] Read more
The sweetest pitbull
The point of this story is that it shows me how broken the medical system is. Even in the best case, there is such a lack of communication, coordination and information sharing. Data is everywhere and nowhere. Decisions are slower [...] Read more
Why It’s Expensive to be Poor (And Why It Shouldn’t Be)
I spent the day yesterday at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in DC, at an event discussing mobile payments and related innovations and regulatory issues. Naturally, this is a big issue, with the huge rush to mobile everything, the continued expansion of [...] Read more
Transparency in Government Surveillance
Today, we have joined a large and diverse group of companies, non-profits and consumer advocates in an open letter urging the US government to allow internet and telecom companies to freely report statistics on government surveillance requests.As we've discussed before, [...] Read more
The Patent Quality Improvement Act
This week, Senator Schumer introduced legislation that would take a whack at patent trolls: the Patent Quality Improvement Act aims to make it easier and cheaper for companies facing spurious infringement suits to defend themselves. This is not a complete [...] Read more
Hacking Society
Today we are excited to bring together a group of thinkers and doers to USV to discuss how networks are transforming our society and economy Read more