

Alternative Compliance

To better support small businesses operating in regulated sectors, we should develop “alternative compliance” mechanisms — parallel regulatory regimes that achieve the goals of existing regulations but take an alternative, data-oriented approach to achieving them. Such an approach would be [...]  Read more

Regulating with Data

We are entering the information age, and as such our fundamental models for accomplishing our goals are changing. In the case of regulation, that means a shift from the industrial, permission-based model to the internet-native, accountability based model Read more

11 Years of the USV Investment Team

As part of our (currently open) analyst hiring process, we ask applicants to record a few videos of themselves answering questions about their views on USV, venture capital, and the web & mobile app ecosystem. So, in the spirit of [...]  Read more

Hiring a New Analyst

We are kicking off another search for an analyst at Union Square Ventures (USV). As in the past, we will recruit for this position using an open process. While this results in a lot of work sorting through applications, we [...]  Read more