

Gotham Gal Turns Fifteen

2003 was a fertile year for both of us as I started blogging in late September and Joanne picked it up on her birthday a few weeks later. I’m not the only one in this family who blogs every day. [...]  Read more

Consumer Learning

I listened to this IBM podcast with Matt Glotzbach, CEO of our portfolio company Quizlet , this morning. Matt explains that edtech, a long-standing term for the market for software and technology sold to the education market, is fundamentally different [...]  Read more

Working Weekends

My friend Brad Feld takes a digital sabbath . No email, internet, phone for 24 hours from Friday night to Saturday night. I’ve not been willing or able to do that but I do try to work less on the [...]  Read more

Competing To Win

This question came up in the comments yesterday: It got me thinking about whether a competitive investment is a better investment. Most of the time we are in a competitive process when we consider an investment. But that is not [...]  Read more

Knowing What You Are Looking For

There are many different styles of investing. At USV, we choose to be thesis-driven investors. This is our current thesis . When an opportunity shows up that is right down the middle of our strike zone, we generally jump on it. [...]  Read more