

DuckDuckGo Moves Beyond Search

Our portfolio company DuckDuckGo which offers a search engine that doesn't store your search history or track you announced some new offerings this week. Here's a quote from the announcement: Over the years, DuckDuckGo has offered millions of people a [...]  Read more

Pacific Time

It’s that time of year again. The Gotham Gal and I are spending the rest of the winter out west. Blog posts will start coming in around 6am PT/9am ET. We plan to spend this winter in Utah (where I [...]  Read more

Owning Yourself

I saw the news today that HuffPo is shutting down their "contributor network." we are ending the HuffPost contributor platform. The platform, which launched in May 2005, was a revolutionary idea at the time: give a megaphone to lots of [...]  Read more

Owning Yourself

I saw the news today that HuffPo is shutting down their “contributor network.” we are ending the HuffPost contributor platform. The platform, which launched in May 2005, was a revolutionary idea at the time: give a megaphone to lots of [...]  Read more

Beyond The Bitcoin Bubble

My friend Steven Johnson has penned a long and wonderful piece exploring what lies beyond the speculative market in crypto tokens. This essay, which will run in Sunday’s New York Times Magazine, but is online now , could not have [...]  Read more


I saw my friend Chris tweet this question yesterday and had to respond: Yubikeys are awesome. Not supported everywhere. I use them where I can — Fred Wilson (@fredwilson) January 15, 2018 Nick helped me get Yubikeys set up on [...]  Read more