

Safe Harbors

I am not opposed to regulation. I think that industry needs to play by a set of rules that ensures things like public safety, fair dealing, etc. But I do think that regulating an industry or a company too early [...]  Read more

The Promise Of Parkland

This post is not about the tragedy that happened at Parkland or the gun safety debate that has been re-energized by it. Those are both worthy topics but I’m not opining on them today. I do hope that this tragedy, [...]  Read more

Prioritizing Content Consumption

A reader recently wrote me this email: I’d be very interested in a blog piece from you on how you prioritise what content to read/watch/listen to. There’s so much out there, and it doesn’t stop. You seem to balance a [...]  Read more

Why Decentralization Matters

As you can see, I am not writing this presidents day weekend. I explained why on friday . Instead I’ve been posting things that I found worth sharing with all of you. Today, I want to share a blog post [...]  Read more