

The Coinbase Tax Center

Our portfolio company Coinbase launched some much needed tax tools this week . I used them today to calculate our gains in 2017 and send the reports to my accountants. The Coinbase tax center is here . The tools look [...]  Read more

The VC/Company Relationship

When I got into the VC business in the early 80s, the VC/Company relationship was pretty different than it is now. Capital was hard to come by, VCs commanded terms that would be laughed at today, and once they had [...]  Read more

The Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2018

Every year our portfolio company Stack Overflow surveys its developer community and publishes the results . This year Stack had over 100,000 respondents to its survey from all over the world, making this survey possibly the most comprehensive view of [...]  Read more

Founder Vesting

Founder vesting is when founders agree that their founder’s stock will vest over some period of time, normally four years. Many times we will come across a company that we might want to invest in and when we look into [...]  Read more

Nothing Is “Standard”

I told this story last night at dinner to the Gotham Gal (who has heard it many times) and two friends who are in the investment business. They loved it. I’ve blogged it before, but it has been almost ten [...]  Read more