

Online video advertising — halfway there

This weekend I read about two interesting companies developing advertising platforms for online video providers and publishers.ScanScout's technology scans video content, creates intelligence about the clip and then dynamically matches ads to the content and intelligence it has just created.Adap.tv [...]  Read more

Carmun Links

Some comments on Carmun from around the world today:Networking aims beyond facebooks: Boston GlobeNew Resource Rating and Sharing site: Out of the JungleCarmun: Helpful Student Tool or Evil Conspiracy -- Connecting the Dots Read more

Educational tides

"Surely this is exactly what an education institution should want – collaborative learning. They’re always banging on about the collaborative environment of a school, college or university, so why not accelerate this using the very technology that the students use [...]  Read more

What does open mean?

Great definition:"Open data is to media what open source is to technology. Open data is an approach to content creation that explicitly recognizes the value of implicit user data. The internet is the first medium to give a voice to [...]  Read more

Iggy Pop

"Iggy Pop, now 59, is the captain of these inside-outside actions. Try to take your eyes off him. How he re-enacts fear, rage, sex, abject boredom, universal love and lethal cynicism, while dancing with originality, remembering lyrics and maintaining the [...]  Read more

Open Data 2007

The Open Data 2007 session yesterday at Reuters, organized in part by Seth Goldstein, was interesting, as others have reported.And while much of the debate centered around what exactly were the implications of open data in the web world, I [...]  Read more