Stack Overflow
As a consumer of information on the internet, I often find myself doing a variety of long tail searches on esoteric topics that relate to some niche part of my life. Whether it be trying to remember the way to [...] Read more
We’re Hiring
** Update: this position has since been filled. **We are looking to hire a new analyst here at Union Square Ventures. The analyst position at Union Square Ventures is a two year rotational assignment and a pre-MBA role. We hope [...] Read more
I have many locations on the internet where I can point to and say "that's a piece of me." There are a number of web services on which I output for my various modes of perception. The music I listen [...] Read more
Union Square Sessions 3: Hacking Philanthropy
Every so often Union Square Ventures brings together a small group for a day-long conversation about the interplay between technology and society. We call these conversations Union Square Sessions. Yesterday, we hosted a conversation entitled "Hacking Philanthropy." Hacking is used [...] Read more
Dick Costolo on Wallstrip
Dick Costolo, the CEO of FeedBurner, was interviewed today on Wallstrip. The interview is an entertaining summary that explains what FeedBurner does, why it's important, and how it makes money. Read more
Job Board
Union Square Ventures is launching a job board on our blog. The board contains open positions only at our portfolio companies. If you are interested in our investment thesis and our theories about internet trends, then you would likely enjoy [...] Read more