
Union Square Ventures closed an investment in Feedburner today.

We are thrilled to be an investor in this great company which has been leading the way in RSS feed management and monetization services for the past three years. We have been big fans of the company for a long time but for a number of reasons, we have not been investors until today.

This was not a traditional venture funding round as Feedburner didn’t need our money as they had closed a round in early 2005. But we both decided it made sense for Union Square Ventures to be involved in the Company and so we made it happen. We’d like to thank the founders of Feedburner and the investors, Portage, Mobius, DFJ, and Sutter Hill for being so cooperative and letting us get involved in such a fantastic company and join a stellar venture syndicate.

We plan to write a longer post about this investment in the next couple days explaining what we like about Feedburner, where we see RSS and feed management going, and what we hope Feedburner will become.

However, the news started leaking out today on the Paid Content weblog so we wanted to make sure you heard it first from us.

Stay tuned for a longer post on this subject in the next couple days.

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