Peer Production in Action

This is a really great story about the power and perils of peer production.

This morning Brad told me that there was a reformatted version of the transcript of the Union Square Sessions event on our wiki.

I assumed that Charlie did it last night. Since Charlie sprained his ankle yesterday playing softball he wasn’t in today and I made the change to the blog post below annoucing the availability of the new versions.

In our regular Monday meeting this afternoon, I thanked Charlie for doing the reformatting. And he told me he had not done anything of the sort. We all laughed about it and wondered who had done it.

Then I noticed a comment to the post below from “Anonymous Reformatter” taking me to task for taking credit for his work.

So this is a public apology for doing that. Certainly it was not our intention to do that.

And second, this is a public thanks for all the work that others have done to extend and improve the conversation around peer production and open data architectures that we had in the Union Square Sessions event last week.

It’s a new and wonderful world we find ourselves in.